Canterbury District Local Plan
The current Local Plan was put in place in 2017. It looks ahead to 2031 and is already being delivered.
The new Local Plan looks to 2045 so that we can plan for more growth. You might want to look at the draft options we consulted on in 2021:
What is the Local Plan?
The Local Plan sets the blueprint for the development of our district. It includes:
- how and where new communities will be created to meet the need for new homes in our area
- our plans for new jobs, supporting existing sectors and the growth of higher value jobs
- strategies for the future of our city and town centres
- changes in the local transport networks to address congestion and air quality
- the key infrastructure, such as for education, health and water, needed to support growth
- how developments are to be designed to address the impacts of climate change
- our approach to protecting and enhancing the historic and natural environment.

What's the process?
The issues consultation
We want everyone to be involved in the process of creating the new Local Plan.
We held a public consultation on the issues facing the district between July and September 2020.
Early engagement helps identify the right priorities. It helps us get feedback from a wide range of people on the various options for sustainable growth across the district.

The vision and preferred options are prepared
Your feedback is used to help us develop the preferred options.
A draft vision is formed for the district and growth options are identified.
The draft Local Plan is formed
At this stage you can tell us if you have any concerns or suggestions about the proposals or allocations included in the draft Local Plan. You can also tell us how we can improve it.
We identify how the district will be developed and sites for this.

The version of the Local Plan we submit for examination is prepared
The feedback gathered will help us finalise the plan to submit for examination.
This version is then published for any comments on the soundness and legality before we submit it for examination.
Your local plan is adopted
Once the examination has finished we get a report from the Inspector. There may be changes that need to be consulted on. After this, if the Inspector agrees the Local Plan we will adopt it.

Where are we in the process?
The Draft Local Plan consultation closed on Monday 16 January (2023).
We’ll now look at all the responses.

How can I get involved?

Our statement of community involvement sets out how you can get involved with planning decisions and development.