Have your say
The preferred options consultation
We’ve split the preferred options consultation into multiple sections to make it easier to follow.
You can browse through the sections to see the issues that came out of the first consultation and the options for how to address them.
You can then send us your views on as many of these areas as you like, by using the options form at the bottom of each page.
You can also read the technical evidence documents that helped inform the Local Plan.

1. Draft vision and growth options
The first part of this consultation sets out a draft vision for our district, and options for where new growth should be focused.

2. Town centre strategies
The second section looks at draft strategies for our city and town centres, and how they should adapt and change in the future.

3. Housing and new communities
The section focuses on how new communities are developed and the requirements of different households, looking at issues like design, infrastructure and low carbon housing.

4. Employment and the local economy
This part looks at new commercial developments, opportunities for higer paid jobs and the development of our universities.

5. Town centres and local facilities
This section looks at how we can support and our local town centres, and manage development at out-of-town retail areas.

6. Movement and transport
The section covers topics such as active travel, zero emissions vehicles, parking standards and public transport.

7. Historic and natural environment
The issues here include areas such as enhancing our heritage, important landscapes and protecting open space.

8. Sustainability appraisal
We have completed an assessment of all the issues and options to support the consultation.